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Digital Mobile Key with the highest European security standards
Simplex + wins EPSA 2019 awards
Citizen Spots and the Automated Social Energy Tariff receive a Good Practice Certificate - 2019 from the European Institute of Public Administration
ePortugal distinguished as «Best Digital Project in Public Administration» at the 2019 Navegantes XXI Awards
Digital Mobile Key wins Portugal Digital Awards 2018
Digital Mobile Key distinguished in the Internet category of the «Best of Technological Portugal» awards from Exame Informática 2018
Portugal Participatory Budget distinguished at the GovInsider Innovation Awards 2018
Portugal Participatory Budget receives international distinction at the 2018 GovCX Awards
AMA Project - Digital Mobile Key wins World Summit Award Mobile (WSA-mobile) 2016
Citizen Spots and Citizen's Portal distinguished at the EPSA awards ceremony
AMA receives Digital Public Administration 2015 award
Citizen Spots project awarded in the 5th edition of the IDC CIO Awards
Digital Mobile Key nominated for the 2015 New Awards
Digital Mobile Key receives distinction from Exame Informática
AMA e-Learning training referenced as a practical case in a book
AMA obtains certification as Training Entity
Zero Licensing receives European award for innovation in Public Administration
AMA distinguished by the European Commission for good practices as national IMI coordinator
Interoperability platform awarded at the 2012 CIO Awards
Dados.gov distinguished by Exame Informática
AMA distinguished with a prize in the area of Interoperability
Public Participation of the Simplex Program distinguished with an honorable mention, in Warsaw
UN Common Knowledge Network and Simplex projects awarded by the UN
Password 001 candidate for international Information and Communication Technologies award
AMA projects nominated for United Nations awards
AMA receives eLearning Excellence Award
Citizen Shops project named "Best of the Best on the Internet"