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The Agency for Administrative Modernization, I.P. (AMA) is the public institute responsible for promoting and developing administrative modernization in Portugal. Its work is divided into three areas: Digital Transformation, Omnichannel Public Service and Administrative Simplification, and it is overseen and supervised by the Minister for Youth and Modernization

This agency was created in 2007 under the State Central Administration Restructuring Program (PRACE), and resulted from the merger of the Instituto de Gestão das Lojas do Cidadão, I.P. (IGLC), the transfer of attributions from the Instituto de Apoio às Pequenas e Médias Empresas, I.P. (IAPMEI), the Instituto de Apoio às Pequenas e Médias Empresas, I.P. (IAPMEI) and the Instituto de Apoio às Pequenas e Médias Empresas, I.P. (IAPMEI), which it succeeded in managing the Company Stores, and the transfer of the responsibilities of the Knowledge Society Agency, I.P. (UMIC), which it succeeded in the field of electronic administration, namely in the management of the Citizen and Company Portals and in the development of infrastructure projects, such as the Citizen Card or the interoperability platform.