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Industrial licensing, whose official name is Responsible Industry System (SIR) is a process aimed at preventing the risks and inconveniences arising from the operation of industrial establishments: the ultimate goal is to safeguard the public and workers' health, the safety of people and assets, hygiene and safety at work, correct ordering of the territory and environmental quality.
It was deemed essential to create a new legal framework for the industry sector, to boost the uptake of new investors and the generation of new projects for companies already established, based on a change in paradigm, in which the State reduces prior control and reinforces the mechanisms for downstream control, together with greater accountability of industry owners and other entities involved in the procedure.
Decree-Law n.º 169/2012, of August 1st, approves the Responsible Industry System (SIR). SIR enshrines a set of measures that provide clear progress and improvements in the sustainable development of the national economy and revokes the previous law that approved the Regime for the Exercise of Industrial Activity – REAI (Decree-Law n.º 209/2008, of October 29th, changed by Decree-Law n.º 24/2010, of March 25th).
The industrial licensing service is available:
By direct access at the Entrepreneur's Desk;
By mediated access, in the onsite counters of the Business Spots or coordinating entities.
The Industrial Licensing platform allows to submit a request and follow the evolution of the process through the Business Electronic Dossier.
For more information see Industrial Licensing in ePortugal.

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